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State Senator Corbin Joined Rotary Club of Murphy Today

State Senator Kevin Corbin, who is a fellow Rotarian of many years, joined our Murphy Rotary Club meeting today. He spoke about the state budget, rural initiatives for our area, and highlights of the legislative session.

Cherokee County will be receiving roughly 3 million dollars for new senior and veterans center.

Towns of Murphy and Andrews have received funds for water and sewer updating.

The legislature has worked to reduce corporate taxes and bring more business to the state. The personal income tax rate has also been lowered again, and future cuts are planned based on state revenue goals.

The “rainy day fund” (budget reserves) is doing very well, and NC is in excellent shape financially.

The district will have a new public defender office.

State Highway Patrol and teachers got pay raises. State retirees and employees.

Tri-County Community College has received several million dollars for a heavy equipment operator training center.

Voter ID has passed. Drivers license, student ID or a free ID from the Board of Elections office are acceptable.

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